To Bidet or Not to Bidet


According to Wikipedia … “A bidet is a bowl or receptacle designed to be sat on in order to wash one’s genitalia ….”

Our customers are asking more and more often for a bidet option, so we’re doing our research in order to provide them the best possible option.  It seems that everyone is more conscious about sanitation and germs since we’ve experienced Covid and that flows over into bathrooms.

This may be a new trend in our part of the world while in Europe several countries have directed by law that a bidet must be present in every bathroom that has a toilet.  It is the norm in many European countries as well as Eastern Asia and parts of South America.  In Japan 77% of the population uses a bidet, perhaps we’re just now catching on.

With the convenience of a bidet personal hygiene is improved and there is an overall improvement in genital health.  Specific health issues, such as hemorrhoids, are significantly improved with bidet use.  

Bidets also have an environmental impact when you consider you only use about 1/8g water which is much less water than is used in the manufacture of toilet paper.  According to the Scientific American, using a bidet is “much less stressful on the environment than using paper.”  Americans use 36.5 billion rolls of toilet paper.  Each roll of paper requires 37 gallons of water to make as well as approximately 1.5 pounds of wood. According to Scientific American 15 million trees would be saved if Americans switched to using bidets.


Dedicated bidet vs retro fit bidet seat on an existing toilet.


Bidet Seat

Dedicated plumbing

Uses existing plumbing

Extra space

Use existing toilet no additional space needed

Cost $2500 range

Cost $800 range

Installation and GFI $275

Installation of a dedicated GFI $275

Plumbing $600

Plumbing – DIY is manageable


We do believe bidets are a trend and not a fad.  Stay tuned to see which products will win our endorsement …

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